Greetings, friends, and fellow weaving enthusiasts!

I am absolutely thrilled to welcome you to my brand-new website, a virtual showcase of my passion for weaving and creativity. This platform serves as a hub where I can proudly display my work, provide easy access for customers to purchase items, announce weaving classes, and share the exciting activities I'm involved in throughout the year.

Creating this website has been an incredible journey, and I am immensely grateful for the support and collaboration of some truly amazing individuals. After years of grappling with my old website and platform, my husband Chet finally encouraged me to seek help and get the job done. Thanks to the expertise and enthusiasm of Emily Wandres and Kevin Carter, the process of building this new website was not only seamless but also incredibly enjoyable!

Recognizing the importance of stunning visuals in the online marketplace, I feel incredibly fortunate to have a talented son who is a professional photographer and a soon-to-be daughter-in-law who is a gifted designer and stylist. Together, they have transformed my weaving into captivating photographs that beautifully narrate the story of my craft.

Last but certainly not least, I owe a heartfelt thank you to my husband of over 40 years, who has been my unwavering supporter every step of the way. From reviewing content to discussing photo placement, he always finds the time to offer invaluable feedback, even amidst his own busy schedule.

I count myself incredibly fortunate to have such a supportive team behind me, and I'm eager for you to explore my new website. Your feedback and input are always welcomed and appreciated, so please don't hesitate to drop me an email and share your thoughts.

Thank you for joining me on this exciting new chapter of my weaving journey. Here's to many more creative adventures together!

Warm regards,
Danette Sulgrove
